The performance of the nine major tire companies in China is fully comparable and the gap is obvious!

So far, China's nine listed tire companies have all released the 2017 annual report.

Tire World Net found that the operating income of these tire companies did not have a direct relationship with net profit.


Operating income forms 3 echelons

In terms of operating income, in 2017, China’s listed tire companies can be divided into three echelons.

The exquisite tires and racing wheel Jinyu's operating income are all above RMB 13 billion, and they are in the first echelon.

The operating income of Huayi Group, Triangle Tire, Aeolus Tyre and Tire Tire A is basically between RMB 7 billion and RMB 8 billion and is located in the second tier.

General Shares, Qingdao Double Star, and S.Getter are in the third tier and their operating income is around 3.5 billion yuan.


(Note: Qingdao Shuangxing and Huayi Group have other businesses. This table only counts the operating income of the tire business; S Jiatong only includes the performance of Fujian Jiatong Tire Co., Ltd.)

It is worth noting that the operating income and net profit of these listed companies did not show a positive relationship.

Among them, the operating income of the racing wheel Jinyu is approximately 1.7 times that of the triangular tires, but after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, the company's net profit is still about 70 million yuan lower than the latter.

Although Fengshen Tire and Tire Tire A had higher operating income, they also suffered huge losses.

Among the nine listed companies, Linglong Tire's operating income and net profit ranked first.

Overall decline in investment returns

Compared with 2016, in 2017, the return on net assets of Chinese listed tire companies showed an overall downward trend.


This shows that most of the domestic tire companies’ shareholder return on investment has declined year-on-year.

Among them, only the two companies of Qingdao Double Star, Huayi Group's return on equity have a positive growth.

However, the tire business is only one of the main businesses of Huayi Group. In 2017, the net profit of the company’s Double Money Tire Group Co., Ltd. was a loss of 443 million yuan.

Obviously, if you rely solely on the tire business, it is difficult to see positive growth in your ROE.

From the data point of view, the extremes of this indicator (the gap between the maximum and minimum values) further widened in 2017.

According to the analysis, this is mainly due to the return on net assets of Fengshen Tire's tires, which is a “slip cliff” decline from 2016, which fell from 3.78% to -21.78%, a drop of 25.56 percentage points year-on-year.

In addition to Aeolus Tyre, the income of Ape Tire A also showed a negative growth of -6.38%, and shareholders' investment was not paid back.

Overseas investment is valued

The data shows that Universal Shares and Racing Jinyu have adopted two different strategies.

Among them, GM shares more emphasis on the Chinese market, domestic sales accounted for 89.18% of total sales.

The racing wheel Jinyu is more inclined to the international market, with foreign sales accounting for 77.47%.


The remaining five tire companies have both domestic and international markets.

Among them, the share of Yan Tire A, Triangle Tire and S-Guitar International market is larger than that of the domestic market. Fengshen Tire and Linglong Tire are the opposite.

The relevant data shows that the international market is valued by more and more tire companies.

Triangle tires to promote brand building and marketing services, in North and South America, Oceania, the European Union, the Asia Pacific region as well as Middle East Africa, Russia and other countries and regions, have established an international team.

Exquisite tires chose to globalize their production bases. Apart from Chonburi, Thailand, they also plan to build overseas production bases in Europe and the Americas.

According to the Tire World Network, many tire companies disclosed their overseas investment in the 2017 annual report.


The foreign assets of Race Wheel Jinyu reached 5.273 billion yuan, accounting for 35.02% of the total assets.

The company mainly owns two companies overseas, namely Sai Wan (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. and Fortune Rubber International Co., Ltd.

Among them, Race Wheel (Vietnam) is used for the production and operation of tires; Fortune Rubber is used for investment and trade.

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