Professor ETH Zurich develops new drones that can be located by sensors

China Instrument Network Instrument Development Raffaello D'Andrea is a professor of power system and control at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and one of the founders of the Automated Warehouse System. In addition, he is an international new media artist. He once predicted that the application of drones in various fields will make the drone industry a multi-industry in the future. In a recent TED talk, D'Andrea showed his newly developed drone.

In the three-dimensional space, if you want to integrate with the surrounding environment, then the drone will be able to automatically control its position while also being able to perceive the position of other objects. For this, D'Andrea's team breaks the tradition to no The man-machine is equipped with a camera, but it uses on-board sensors to determine its position in space and uses on-board calculations to determine what action it needs to take. D'Andrea said that the only outside command to the drone is to tell the drone to "take off" or "fall."

The drone developed by D'Andrea's team is a tail-seat drone, which is more efficient than other fixed-wing drones. And such drones can hover in the air, making them more advantageous in common actions such as take-off and landing. However, such drones are easily disturbed by external factors such as wind. In response, D'Andrea's team developed new control architectures and algorithms that hope to overcome this problem.

(Original title: New drones can be spatially located by sensors)

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